Fri, Feb

U.S. Coast Guard, partner agencies respond to tug fire

U.S. Coast Guard, partner agencies respond to tug fire

Ship Accidents

The U.S. Coast Guard and partner agencies were responding to a tug fire near Pea Patch Island on the Delaware River, Tuesday. All four crewmembers were safely evacuated from the vessel. The tug fire

Credit: Wilmington Fire Department/Facebook.

The U.S. Coast Guard and partner agencies were responding to a tug fire near Pea Patch Island on the Delaware River, Tuesday.

All four crewmembers were safely evacuated from the vessel. The tug fire has since been extinguished, and the vessel is now under tow.

Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay launched crews from Station Philadelphia and a MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from Air Station Atlantic City to assist.

At 9:26 a.m., watchstanders from Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay received a distress call on VHF Channel 16 from the crew of the tugboat stating the vessel was on fire.

According to the Wilmington (Del.) Fire Department, Fireboat 7, with crews from Engine 1 and Engine 2, assisted the Good Will Fire Company with the tugboat fire.

Sector Delaware Bay watchstanders issued an Urgent Marine Information Broadcast Notice to mariners and dispatched Coast Guard crews to the area.

Local partner agencies also deployed assets in response.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

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