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Zygos Maritime Services Cylinder Liners wear

Zygos Maritime Services Cylinder Liners wear

Press Releases

Zygos Maritime Services is equipped with special tools able to inspect and measure the wear of Cylinder Liners of any 2-stroke Diesel Engine with bores between 400mm and 980mm.

Final report includes 20,000 measuring points with an accuracy of 0,01mm and a 3D model for each Cylinder Liner. Our database includes wear measurements on Cylinder Liners of all types of 2-stroke Main Engines. Based on that and the inspection results we can provide the client comments and suggestions regarding Engine’s condition and Cylinder Oil Lubrication scheme applied.

No immobilization permit is required for our job as no mechanical component needs to be dismantled from the engine (Cylinder Cover or Exhaust Valve or Fuel Injector), ensuring minimum occupancy of the crew. Our Service Engineers are able to have the tool outside the Main Engine within only a few minutes if requested to do so.

Job can be effected during vessels stay at anchorage for bunkering, due to short time of inspection – about 15 minutes / cylinder.

Our trained Service Engineers based at Greece and Singapore are able to serve any requests around the world.

Additional Services to the Liners 3D Scanning, involve following:

Visual Ring Analysis (VRA): high resolution photos of each piston ring, piston crown and piston skirt, in order to evaluate the applied Cylinder Lubrication scheme.

Visual Cylinder Inspection (VCI): high resolution photos from the interior surface of the Cylinder Liner and the undercover area (fuel valves, exhaust valve lower surface, air starting valves and cylinder cover area).

Piston Ring Groove Measurements (PRG): clearance measurements between the piston rings and the respective piston ring grooves

Coating Thickness Measurements (CTM): in case of Cermet piston rings, Cermet coating thickness may be provided for further evaluation of the piston ring lifespan.

Full inspection package (3D, VRA, VCI, PRG, CTM) provides the client a “health check” of vessel’s Main Engine.

Zygos Maritime Services
16, Lontou str., Glyfada, Greece, PC 16675
Tel: +30 210 4122211
Tel: +306942678557 (Emergency Telephone)
Website: https://www.zygosmcs.com
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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