Wed, Feb

Christmas @ Sea: “Seas and Greetings” from NOC

World Maritime

Have you ever wondered what happens on ships when they’re at sea for Christmas? Crews onboard the National Oceanography Centre’s (NOC’s) research vessels, based in Southampton, have given a glimpse into the

Have you ever wondered what happens on ships when they’re at sea for Christmas? Crews onboard the National Oceanography Centre’s (NOC’s) research vessels, based in Southampton, have given a glimpse into the holiday season out on the ocean waves, including Christmas carols and – if one captain has his way – watching Frozen.

Both research ships that the center operates, the Royal Research Ship (RRS) James Cook and RRS Discovery, are out in the Atlantic Ocean over this Christmas period, delivering or traveling between science missions.

But being far from home, family and friends is not hampering the holiday spirit – and even NOC’s underwater robot Autosub Long Range, aka Boaty McBoatface, is in on the seasonal act.

The crew onboard the RRS Discovery gathering around their Christmas tree in the mess. Image courtesy NOC

Captain John Leask, onboard the RRS James Cook, says that while they are still supporting a science expedition, Christmas is will still be marked, with family and friends back home in all of their thoughts.

“Due to Santa’s work load he usually doesn’t make an appearance,” says Captain Leask. “But we try to make the day special and a

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