Four students at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Kings Point, N.Y., – Draygan Colonese, Elizabeth Kay, Charles Lausten and Gianna Russo – have been awarded Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarships
![Kingspointers receiving awards](
L to R: John Berry, Crowley Wind Services; U.S. Merchant Marine Academy cadets Elizabeth Kay, Gianna Russo, Draygan Colonese, Charles Lausten; Joe St. Pierre, Crowley Wind Services. [Photo: Crowley]
Four students at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Kings Point, N.Y., – Draygan Colonese, Elizabeth Kay, Charles Lausten and Gianna Russo – have been awarded Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarships in recognition of their success and commitment to careers in the maritime industry. The Kingspointers were selected based on their academic achievements and performance during the cadet training periods aboard Crowley-operated or -managed vessels.
Colonese, a senior from Colorado Springs, Colo., is pursuing a degree in maritime logistics and security. He served on multiple Crowley vessels, including the tanker Empire State for 105 days and the containership Potomac Express for 104 days. Colonsese has earned academic Gold Stars for every trimester at King’s Point for maintaining a GPA of over 3.5. He plans to sail commercially after graduation.
Kay is a senior studying
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