The USCG issued Safety Alert 04-25 on a tri-fueled vessel incident, highlighting risks of hazardous zones and the need for proper precautions.
USCG issues alert on improving vessel maneuvering systems to prevent accidents
USCG issues Safety Alert 03-25 after a high-speed ferry collided with a pier in New York during docking, leading to safety recommendations.
USCG alert: Pilothouse alerter system failure causes dock allision
USCG issued Safety Alert 02-25 following a significant marine casualty involving a towing vessel and barge.
USCG safety alert: Lifesaving equipment stowage on CFVs
USCG issued Safety Alert 01-25 to address hazardous stowage of lifesaving equipment on CFVs following two recent marine casualties.
Isle of Man: 2025 Ballast Water Record Book updates
The Isle of Man Ship Registry issued TAN 001-25, dated January 10, 2025, detailing updated requirements for Ballast Water Record Books (BWRB).
UK issues MIN 698 Amendment 1 (M) – Workboat Code 3
UK MCA published MIN 698 Amendment 1 (M), supplementing the Workboat Code Edition 3 with best practice guidelines for small workboats.
U.S. Coast Guard resumes MMC requirements for Non-Operating Individuals
USCG has resumed enforcing Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) requirements for Non-Operating Individuals (NOIs) as of January 1, 2025.