Wed, Feb

UK issues MIN 698 Amendment 1 (M) – Workboat Code 3

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UK MCA published MIN 698 Amendment 1 (M), supplementing the Workboat Code Edition 3 with best practice guidelines for small workboats.

The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency published MIN 698 Amendment 1 (M) which serves as a supplement to The Workboat Code Edition 3, providing a summary of the standards and guidelines considered best practice for small workboats and pilot boats certified under this edition of the Code. It is important to note that this notice is not exhaustive and should be viewed as guidance only.

Purpose and Audience:

The primary purpose of this MIN is to offer additional information on the standards and guidelines for small workboats, pilot boats, and other related vessels, including remotely operated unmanned vessels. The target audience for this notice includes:

  • Designers
  • Builders
  • Owners
  • Operators
  • Employers
  • Crews
  • Masters of small workboats and pilot boats
  • Certifying Authorities

It is intended that all those involved with the design, construction, operation, and certification of these vessels refer to the Workboat Code Edition 3, which this notice supplements. The notice also provides updates on the latest standards relevant to these vessels.


This Marine Information Notice is effective until 31 December 2025, after which it may be revised or replaced.

Background Information:

The Workboat Code Edition 3, which came into force on 13 December 2023, replaces previous versions and documents:

  1. The Safety of Small Workboats and Pilot Boats – A

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