During a meeting on 4 December 2024, the International Hydrographic Organization Nautical Information Provision Work Group (IHO NIPWG) held a vote on the new Guide for Nautical Data 2.1. The guide was
During a meeting on 4 December 2024, the International Hydrographic Organization Nautical Information Provision Work Group (IHO NIPWG) held a vote on the new Guide for Nautical Data 2.1. The guide was unanimously endorsed.
The guide has been written, with contributory input from International Harbour Masters Association (IHMA) members around the world, to support hydrographic offices and port authorities in the discharge of their collective responsibilities as per the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter V, Regulation 9: Hydrographic Services.
SOLAS sets out the minimum standards for the construction, equipment, and operation of ships, compatible with their safety. Specifically, Chapter V, Regulation 9 relates to the collection, compilation, maintenance and dissemination of information necessary for safe navigation.
It requires the undertaking of hydrographic surveys and the preparation and issue of a range of information such as nautical charts, sailing directions, lists of lights and tide tables. Under the regulation, hydrographic offices and port authorities are required to coordinate their
activities as far as possible to ensure the timely, reliable production and circulation of unambiguous and uniform nautical publications.
IHMA President Paul O’ Regan said, “In safeguarding the lives and well-being of our
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