Mon, Mar

BIMCO: Ships and crew in danger in drug threat ports

World Maritime

If drugs are found on a ship in certain ports, the crew risk extreme prison sentences, says BIMCO. Limited understanding of merchant ship operations can lead judges to believe that hiding drugs

Written by Marine Log Staff
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BIMCO image shows handcuffed seafarter

Image: BIMCO

If drugs are found on a ship in certain ports, the crew risk extreme prison sentences, says BIMCO. Limited understanding of merchant ship operations can lead judges to believe that hiding drugs onboard or attaching them to the ship’s hull is impossible without the crew’s knowledge.

A number of Turkish ports, particularly on the Black Sea, have recently been drawing attention due to their lengthy legal processes and long sentences; 30 years in two cases, notes BIMCO, adding that it is aware of other ongoing criminal investigations in Turkey and other countries, including Colombia.

The international shipping industry needs to be alerted to the substantial risk of unwarranted arrests and severe prison sentences associated with docking at certain ports around the world. Additionally, the slow pace of legal procedures in certain countries can detain crew members and shipowners for many months.

Lately, says BIMCO, there have been instances where ships and their crews arriving from

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