Mon, Feb

The Maritime Advocate–Issue 872

World Maritime

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The Maritime Advocate is free to readers and is entirely supported by advertisers and sponsors. A banner advertisement represents excellent value so please consider using us whenever you have a commercial message to place. We have banner opportunities on our website https://themaritimeadvocate.com and are also on the lookout for new sponsors. If you wish to get a quote please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.


1. What’s for dinner?
2. ICS Secretary General
3. Indian Register
4. Intercargo year
5. IACS rules
6. Carbon capture
7. LNG
8. Pump failures
9. Expertly separated
10. 3D design

Notices & Miscellany

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1. What’s for dinner?

By Michael Grey

It was very many years ago, at a Mission to Seafarers’ conference, when I was commenting on sub-standard shipping (there was a lot of it about then) I made reference to some cheapskate operator I had heard about who provided his wretched crews with a tin of pilchards every second day as their sole

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Read full article from Original Source AllAboutshiping.co.uk

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Read full article from Original Source AllAboutshiping.co.uk



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