Fri, Mar

Greek Tourism: Beyond Records, Toward Sustainable Growth

Greek Tourism: Beyond Records, Toward Sustainable Growth

Hellenic Shipping News

The latest issue of the “Business Trends” study series by the

The latest issue of the “Business Trends” study series by the National Bank of Greece explores the evolving prospects for Greek tourism. The sector is urged not to rest on its laurels after achieving “easy records” but to leverage emerging opportunities for a more efficient and sustainable tourism model.

Tourism experienced robust growth in 2024, reaching an all-time high with 36 million arrivals and 21 billion euros in revenue (a 4% annual rise), alongside a 2-percentage-point reduction in seasonality.

Looking ahead, the global tourism market is expected to grow by 3%-5% in 2025, according to UNWTO projections. Early indicators, such as airline bookings, suggest that Greece is well-positioned to outperform this trend.

Despite uncertainties remaining high for the sector, with volatile conditions on the international stage, Greek tourism is urged to stay focused on its long-term strategic goals by aligning with global market trends.

Over the next two decades, the global tourism industry is set to maintain its strong momentum, reaching 2.4 billion tourists by 2040. A key shift is underway, with demand increasingly driven by non-European travelers, leading to structural transformations in the global tourism landscape.

For Europe to maintain its share in both short- and long-haul travel by 2040, it must

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