According to figures released by the Greek Parliament’s Budget Office, overdue tax
According to figures released by the Greek Parliament’s Budget Office, overdue tax debt has surged another €3.6 billion to a total of €110.6 billion. The increase is due, first, to newly overdue liabilities amounting to €8.6 billion, and second, to debts that were registered later in 2024 and total €2.2 billion. However, 23.8% of the total overdue balance, equivalent to €26.3 billion, is considered uncollectible.
The largest debts to the tax office are owed by 9,830 taxpayers, each of whom owes, on average, more than €8.5 million.
The data also show a rise in the number of taxpayers with overdue debts over €10,000 and a decrease in those with “small” debts. Over the past year, the number of medium and large debtors has surpassed 1.864 million, with their debt increasing by €3.577 billion as of January 2025.
Within this group, the debt grew by €2.012 billion, with the majority of these debtors being businesses. In contrast, 90% of all debtors owe up to €10,000, but their total overdue
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