CMA CGM changes Brazil terminal on SAFRAN and SIRIUS services

CMA CGM has decided to change terminal at the port of Santos for its North Europe and Mediterranean – East Coast South America services, SAFRAN and SIRIUS.
The SAFRAN service will be transferred from Santos Brasil to Brasil Terminal Portuario SA (BTP) for both its southbound and northbound calls. The last vessel to call at the Santos Brasil terminal will be the San Lorenzo Maersk with an estimated time of arrival (ETA) on 29 March for the southbound route and the San Raphael MSK with an ETA on 30 March for the northbound route.
The first vessel to call at the BTP terminal will be the San Marco Maersk, expected to arrive on 5 April (southbound), followed by the MSK Lanco on 6 April (northbound).
For the SIRIUS service, the southbound call will be transferred from BTP to Santos Brasil. The last vessel to call at the BTP terminal will be the MSK Leon with an estimated time of arrival on 27 March. The first vessel to call at the Santos Brasil terminal will be the CC Yukon, which is expected to arrive on 3 April.
There will be no changes to the northbound call for the SIRIUS service, which will remain at the BTP terminal.
The SAFRAN service rotation will continue as follows: London (United Kingdom), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Hamburg (Germany), Antwerp (Belgium), Tanger (Morocco), Santos (Brazil, southbound), Paranagua (Brazil, southbound), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Montevideo (Uruguay), Rio Grande (Brazil), Paranagua (Brazil, northbound), Santos (Brazil, northbound), Tanger (Morocco), and London (United Kingdom).
The SIRIUS service will have the following iternary:
Algeciras (Spain) – Tanger (Morocco) – Salvador (Brazil) – Santos (Brazil, southbound) – Itapoa (Brazil) – Paranagua (Brazil) – Santos (Brazil, northbound) – Itaguai (Brazil) – Algeciras (Spain).
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