Sea1 Offshore, formerly Siem Offshore, has ordered two more offshore energy support vessels from Cosco Shipping.The vessels are based on a similar design as the first two vessels Sea1 Offshore ordered from
Sea1 Offshore, formerly Siem Offshore, has ordered two more offshore energy support vessels from Cosco Shipping.
The vessels are based on a similar design as the first two vessels Sea1 Offshore ordered from the same shipyard in November 2024.
The four vessels will have capabilities to serve both oil and gas and renewable markets.
The scheduled delivery for the vessels is from third quarter 2027 to fourth quarter 2027.
Based on ST-245 design, the vessels will be methanol ready with the generators can run on 100% biofuel.
They will have an overall length of 120 meters, a cargo deck area of 1,400 m2, accommodation capacity for 120 persons, ROV hangar, moonpool and will be equipped with a 250t crane.
According to Sea1 Offshore, the vessel will be equipped with some of the most fuel-efficient solutions in the market, featuring generators, battery packages and thruster configuration fine-tuned to include the latest technology available.
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