Sun, Feb

What are Fast Rescue Boats?

Ship Safety
What are Fast Rescue Boats?
Fast rescue boats

Fast rescue boats

Lifeboats are floating crafts that can rescue crew and passengers from a vessel in distress. They can be rigid or inflatable and vary in size and build.

However, though interchangeably used, lifeboats are somewhat different from rescue boats, which are to be deployed immediately in an emergency.

While lifeboats, life rafts, and other rescue crafts are deployed on vessels, it is equally important that, if the situation allows, other means of evacuation and rescue from external sources should be available.

This means that evacuation should be prioritised without delay when a vessel is in distress due to an accident or mishap and if another vessel is in the vicinity or some landmass is equipped with suitable means of addressing such issues.

The most feasible way to do so is to send vessels that can act as relief crafts, quickly and scrupulously evacuating people in distress to a safer location, like the shore or another nearby vessel.

Fast rescue boats are essentially

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